
Hooray for Progress!

        Over this past week, Shelton and Me have been going to Ms. Ryne’s in Advisory to practice guitar. This has been really beneficial as we can help each other out, and bounce ideas, suggestions and tips around. Besides that, we were able to go to Mrs. Carson today and she taught us almost five chords while helping me out with my finger-to-string pressure problem. Throughout next week Shelton and Me and going to work on songs we picked out and Mrs. Carson printed for us. They are fairly easy, beginner songs, so they should help us work on moving are fingers to different chords diligently. I really excited to finally have a sturdy starting place and hope I can learn a lot, in the too few weeks we have left.


My Past Finds Me


        Once upon a time in my childhood, I got a book about how to play the guitar. Of course I lost it somewhere and now, almost seven years later, it has resurfaced. It’s a fairly basic book with the average learning songs and tips, which should help me better than nothing. Besides that I'm going to try to get a case for my guitar, as it currently is without one.


I Lie to Myself

        I’m an overachiever. (Well, mentally at least.) I have gotten way behind on my schedule with working on the guitar, as life keeps throwing stuff at me. And alas I need to stop using the word “plan” for every time I do such a thing never comes to pass. So I am hoping to work on guitar chords this next week, mainly the ones that appear in some of the songs I wish to play later in life, and try to create a daily practice schedule.